Dealing with Daycare.

Most of my close family and friends know how stressful it was for me to find the right daycare, to part with my baby are rejoin the world of work after being on maternity leave. It was very difficult. However, I did find the right daycare. They are located very close by, friends of the family or extended family. I felt somewhat comfortable. Still, there are situations that would occur that would leave a new mom feeling very worried or uneasy as the case may be. In trying to deal with my own personal issues with daycare, I decided to share. Please feel free to message me with your experiences and how you've dealt with them. Not every day can be a bright and sunny day. (Unfortunately).

  1. Bite marks and scratches - You pick up your child from daycare, only to realize that he has scratches on his skin or a bite mark on his body. Immediately your alarm button goes off. You want to know how this happened. Pause, take a deep breath. After doing some research, I realized that biting can be tough for care givers to deal with having more than one child to attend too. It's a phase children/ babies go through as they struggle to communicate. However, there are steps that care givers can take to avoid the biting. Shadow the child who is usually the biter or the fighter and redirect the child to another activity. Children are easily distracted. Give them each a toy. If a child has aggressive behavior, monitor him closely. Don't allow him to feel like it's okay to hurt another child. Tell him "No, Don't do that" in a strong tone and let him play with something else.
  2. Mosquito Bites - Nothing irritates me more than mosquitoes. What are their purpose in life, Lord? Be sure to take some citronella oil for the care giver to rub on your baby to prevent the bites. Purchasing a mosquito net can also be helpful to cover the crib when the baby sleeps.
  3. Cuts and bruises - Don't think that this is something your child has to endure. Find out what had occurred. You are paying for a safe environment for your child while you're away. Making sure your baby is safe should be your top priority.
  4. Speak about your concerns - Next time you'll be dropping of your child, don't take it for granted, let your care giver know of your observation and concerns. Please, don't be confrontational. Have a friendly conversation expressing your issues and even suggesting some solutions. You don't want your child to be seen in a negative light. Be consistent. Have small conversations everyday, so that issues does not build up overtime and things are dealt with immediately. Don't feel like you're being irrational. It's your child and you're being a parent.


  1. I went through all of this with my baby sitter sometimes she would mention things to me before i even got a chance to notice,that's the nice thing about having a good relationship with ur child care provider and also a mature individual.

    1. It's a blessing to have someone who is open and honest about your child's well being. Thanks for sharing.


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